Saturday, 22 June 2013

How to avoid Ego Problems in Married Life....

How to avoid Ego Problems in Married Life

There are many reasons which results in separations of loved ones which changes life of both the person involved. Some of prominent reasons of problems are jealously, pride and ego. Ego usually comes out of fear of losing control or proving yourself right or when someone is feeling insecure. People don’t even realize that they have ego problem and it eventually results in breaking up relations with their loved ones.
Here are few tips to avoid ego problems:
1. No regrets and no proud: Never feel regret about your past or about your negative points. Even you must never think that you are best in any of your quality. Every person has some negative and some positive points, thus stop regretting or feeling proud. Your partner is equally intelligent and responsible as you are, you know some things better than your partner and your partner knows some things better than you. Proud and regrets both increase your ego.
2. Don’t always praise yourself : Keep praising yourself in front of others don’t help much to impress them, in fact they it slowly increases your ego and make you overconfident. If you have habit of telling others about your achievements or success every time when you get into conversation with others then you can get trapped with ego problems easily. So, praising yourself must be in limits.
3. Keep your leg in other’s shoe: Many people think that they always think and do right things, but this is not true. The fact is many time what we think is right, can actually impact badly in our life. Thus, while discussing with your partner about any topic, try to think the way he/she is thinking. It is not necessary that you always oppose what your partner want to say or he/she is not enough mature to give you suggestions. This tendency increases your ego problem. When you try to think like your partner, you can easily come out of your ego problem and become broader minded.
4. Don’t make habit of listening compliments: Sometimes you say such things like “I am good for nothing “or “I don’t look good” and wait people to give you compliment that “no, you look beautiful”. People generally make habit of listening only good things about themselves, which are sometimes fake and just to make you happy. When your partner says the right things about you, your ego hurts very easily. Thus, beware of listening fake praise or keep yourself away from people who keep on flatter you , this will increase your ego problem and you will find difficult to receive criticism.
To reduce the fights between you and your partner, you need to avoid your ego. Ego should never come in between loved ones, it ruin your marriage. You need to prepare mentally that you need to remove ego problems between you and your partner and then follow above steps. I can assure you that you will surely get close to your partner and your fights will get reduced. 

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