Monday 17 June 2013

Love Marriage or Arrange Marriage....


Hi friends,

As all said, it is not depend on either Love or Arrange. It depends on mutual understanding, trust, willingness, honesty of both people. In this world, we have to open our eyes for getting right things at right time by keeping trust in GOD. Cast should not be problem for fully matured, educated, salaried & trust worthy couple.

In simple line, if you have matured love not blindly, then go for approval of parents, convince them, try hard & you'll probably get success. If parents not ready only based on caste or some pre matured mind sets then go with your heart. Feel the enthusiasm of decision, stick it & prove it.

If you had no love till marriage, get with arrange one, go for engagement, Time period should be at least 6 months between engagement & marriage, understand, set goal of life, try to enjoy life & live the life in your way.

Try to honest, trustworthy & simple in your life. Chances of good things are more & you'll be satisfied.

It is nice to share such an interesting topic LOVE MARRIAGE Vs ARRANGE MARRIAGE. The Purpose of marriage is to make a happy life between two kind of persons and their families.

If it is love marriage:

"Love makes life beautiful", It is 100% true. But nowadays love comes at very soon ie during his/her school and they don't know anything about life they fall in love because of attraction and they got married without parent's permission. At this stage they don't have a capacity to lead their life. They started their life happy for 1 or 2 years after that the problems will start. At this stage they don't have any support from their parents so they have to take their own decision. Due to their EGO they won't take good decision finally that marriage ends with diverse. 

Ya you may ask there is no true love in this world? ya definitely true love is there. They can be said true lovers only they can able to love their family. The true lovers never got married without their parents permission. If they not able to convince their parents how can manage his/her marriage life to be a successful one? But nowadays it is not not possible because many of the youngsters are not ready to share their ideas with their parents. According to the statistics 65% of love marriage ends with diverse. Love is blind ok I agree it may solve dowry problems, cast problems at what extend, if that 2 persons have education & job. 

Otherwise it is a very big? I just want to ask one question for the love marriage supporters Are you ready to support Your daughter/son's love, many of them say yes but if you are in that responsible position you will think. It is the fact. So think of our invaluable parents and take any decision. If your love is true please try to convince them. "Every coin has its head and tail" similarly Everything has its good and bad, Arrange marriage also has some disadvantage but its level when compared love marriage is low.

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